Monday, April 20, 2009

Last night's Desperate Housewives

Last night's episode was ok. It's too bad they killed off Edie. Other than that, plotwise, nothing really happens. It was another of those memory episodes that doesn't really advance the plot much, like the handyman episode.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ANOTHER Grey's rerun tonight!

It SUCKS that there was no new eppy of Grey's Anatomy AGAIN tonight. This is what, three weeks of reruns? Way to torture us ABC!

So instead I watched Hell's Kitchen on Fox. I like that show just because it's nice that Gordon Ramsey gets to call people idiots when they are.I wish I could do that to all the idiots I meet at my crappy retail job.

No big surprise that Ramsey didn't send anyone home. I knew when Robert had to quit because of heart disease (saw that one coming a mile away) that Ramsey wasn't going to send any of the other four home.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I wasn't too surprised that Matt had the lowest number of votes OR that the judges decided to save them. I figured they were going to use their save before it was too late, it was either this week or next. With two people leaving next week, I'm not sure he'll last anyway.

Miley Cyrus' performance was not great. Ouch. Some very pitchy parts of that song. Some parts of it were painful to listen to.

Jennifer Hudson sounded great though.

American Idol

American Idol was ok last night, but I don't know why they had Quentin Tarantino on. All he does is wave his arms around. I don't really find him all that entertaining. I'm really tired of Danny, he's a good singer but he comes off as smug and annoying. Allison was great. I liked Adam, although not as much as in previous weeks. I think Lil or Matt might go home tonight.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tonight's Episode of House

Overall I liked tonight's episode of House. I have a feeling Chase is going to end up taking Kutner's spot on the team, although it would be fun to see House interview job candidates again. Those scenes are always hilarious.